Thursday, December 18, 2008

Demonstration outside Mr. Kerrey's home! (11:56)

Sorry Bob, all capitalist pigs must be slaughtered in the realm of public opinion.

The New York Schools in Exile


  1. we support you!!!! where's simon critchley in all this??

  2. since when did this become a lynchmob? let the guy have some privacy.


  3. NOT a lynch mob -- but a crowd yelling "RE-SIGN RESIGN RESIGN" following Kerrey and his security people down Fifth Ave. Kerrey broke into a run down 11st St and went inside what apparently is his house.

  4. R.K. He is a public figure abusing the use of tens of millions of dollars worth of public funds, not to mention your student fees. How much of it went into his house? Why should his reputations not be slaughtered?

  5. I've heard rumors that Bob Kerry was physically chased down the street. While I fully support the show of student solidarity and a voice for the students of the New School, I feel that this is veering off course from the idea of changing the school's system and improving the school system.

  6. Finally! I've been wondering all day why it hasn't moved to his Brownstone-the Brownstone WE pay for! SOLIDARITY!

  7. Because there's a difference, I think, between attacking him as an administrator and bad businessman by kicking him out of the building, and attacking him as a private individual by chasing a 65 year old man with 1 and a half legs down the street to his house.


  8. Aw, come on guys. His family and neighbors didn't do anything wrong! What if he has children or grandchildren????? Leave them alone! It's not their fault they were born to him. Regardless of what he did, he should be allowed to walk down the street without fearing for his own personal safety. That's the whole idea of nonviolence. I was there at the protest, so I think it was very successful and powerful, but don't let him become the victim!

  9. when i first heard about this sit-in, one of the organizers told me there were three demands: the resignation of kerrey and murtha, a student voice in the appointment process of a new provost, and a better study space. now apparently it's about slaughtering capitalist pigs and saving the free world. this has strayed so far from our initial goals!! guys!! stay focused, and somewhat positive!! to lose sight of what we're actually fighting for is to undercut all our efforts ...

  10. I'm afraid that I have to agree with my friend Raf on this. All citizens of this country are entitled to their right to privacy. Attack Kerrey's position, attack his post as President, but leave his family and neighbors alone.

    This has to remain a peaceful struggle, a peaceful movement!

    Love, solidarity, support,


  11. this is turning into something weird. i don't agree with the course the school has taken and a part of the blame goes to kerry.

    however, this man is NOT a war criminal (please prove the opposite with appropriate evidence based on a widely accepted definition of the term).

    please stop alienating thousands of moderate students who desire a productive and respectful dialogue by calling kerry "capitalist pig" etc.


  12. alright y'all, i agree with your list of demands and applaud what you're trying to do; i'm a lang alumni and we tried to get the guy ousted as soon as he was appointed president back in 2001.

    but, seriously? chasing a 65-yr-old partially disabled man down the street and into his home? that's taking it wayyy too far, in my opinion. i agree wholeheartedly with RK. tone it down a notch.

    in peace,

  13. right on, kate. agreed entirely.

  14. WeKnowWhereYouSleep doesn't believe that Kerry is a war criminal and wants some proof.

    Kerrey admitted it himself. Just google "Bob Kerrey" and "War Criminal" and you'll get plenty of reasons for that designation. See, for instance, Douglas Valentine's story posted on Counterpunch, which begins:

    "By now everybody knows that former Senator Bob Kerrey led a seven-member team of Navy Seals into Thanh Phong village in February 1969, and murdered in cold blood more than a dozen women and children.

    "What hardly anyone knows, and what no one in the press is talking about (although many of them know), is that Kerrey was on a CIA mission, and its specific purpose was to kill those women and children. It was illegal, premeditated mass murder and it was a war crime."

    I questioned him at a public forum at the New School about this 6 years ago, when I asked him if he still agreed with Madeleine Albright's horrible comment when she was asked what she thought of the 700,000 dead Iraqi children (at the time). She said "Yes, the price was worth it." Kerrey said he agreed with her, that "yes, the price was worth it." (The interchange is also in Amy Goodman's book.)

    And Kerrey's right-wing politics, his connection to the Manhattan Institute, his vicious attacks on Obama during the campaign, his support for the invasion and bombardment of Iraq, all are the positions of a creep. He should not be president of the New School.

    I taught a class at the New School, briefly, in 1999: Environmentalism for Activists. I support the sit-in, and the attempt to remove Kerrey, Murtha, and Millard.

    Mitchel Cohen
    Brooklyn Greens / Green Party

  15. interesting. but than it seems quite ridiculous that this man has become president of an leftist liberal institution and people need seven years to start protesting against that

  16. if he didn't wanna get chased, he shouldn't have run. why run from your own students? if he wants to be all paternalistic, why doesn't he act paternally and stroll along with his kids on a nice winter night?

    these issues are all personal as well as political. they affect the people of Iraq, they affect the students, they affect the staff and faculty. and they all bring these issues home with them at night. why does Kerrey get to go home and forget about all the horrible things he does? a little rowdiness is NOT that traumatic, and if he's so sensitive then he's probably in the wrong line of work. get the fuck over it and start listening to the people who pay your fucking salary.
